Friday, July 20, 2007

"Without love, life is like the seasons without summer"

Today was eventful.
Quite eventful.

It began with me going to see Hairspray with Kylee. I had seen the commercials, the show live and a special on Oprah and just by that - I knew it would be my favorite musical of the summer. I learned a lot from the movie: appearance doesn't mean everything and that your weight doesn't determine the kind of person you are. Sure, we've all known that for decades - but the questions is - do we really believe it? I know I'm going to keep trying to, but it's difficult. It also made me realize how much I miss singing. Part of me wishes I could go back to High School and show everyone what I can do. But I was too afraid then.

Oh, and by the way - I am pretty much in love with Link Larkin, aka Zac Efron. Um, yeah. If anyone wants the key to my heart, pretty much be him. Thanks.

I've been looking at cars with my mom lately and really, it's quite the rush. Me, having my own vehicle - finally. However, it's not for certain yet. I'm in love with a Focus Hatchback but because of our budget, I will probably have a Taurus and that's okay with me. A car is a car is a car. Right?

The Harry Potter final book premiere was at midnight and I went to Borders to cover the story. Sure, I'm a HP fan - but I'm not one to wait for hours in line for the book. I'll buy it at Wegmans the day after. I am also not one to read it all within a few hours. Truthfully, I don't see that as being a true fan and a true reader. I just see that as obsession and competition. If you read a novel too quickly, you don't get enough time to digest the entire plot. At least that's what I think from a writers perspective. You need time to think about the words you are looking over, not just skim them and move on. Maybe that's why it may take me days, weeks or months to finish the final book. But really, who knows. It could take me a day or two - yet I doubt that.

And I have Camp to look forward to next week. And when I get back, if anyone mentions to me any detail from the book - they will get ran over by a hopefully focus hatchback.

1 comment:

Sasha said...

Maybe you're just a different kind of reader. Some people can read a 1000 page book in 4 hours and be able to tell you everything that happened. I happen to be one of those readers and one of those HP fans who went at midnight and read it within a few hours, but I'm also already rereading it for the second time because it was so good and i want to enjoy it all again. Everybody's different.