Monday, January 7, 2008

his name was john.

It's funny how the end of an era can come a few years after a popular television show has already ended the series. Sex and the City became my new favorite television show during my freshman near at college. After my friends and I began having S.A.T.C. nights, I automatically became addicted. I became addicted not because of the interesting sexual inuendos, but the relationship that four very different females seemed to have with one another. They were able to share their deepest and most off limits secrets with one another about guys, sex and their daily lives. Also, each of the girls had something about them which made them relatable to the single female.

Tonight I finally watched the last episode of the series and began to cry. Everything seemed to fit into place perfectly and the missing puzzle pieces were found. It made me feel like it wasn't only the end of an era, but the beginning of my own version of Sex and the City. I still haven't watched every episode recorded - but believe me, that will be done.

Sex and the City is not only about strange relationships and sexual mishaps, it's about life and how society portrays women differently from men. Society makes it seem like men are the only ones who talk about sex and relationships when really women talk about it just as much or more. We get into the topics that men would fear discuss because we have that comfort among our friends. This show was about the relationship among four different individuals and how they made it through suffering, broken hearts and frustrating times together - never apart.

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