Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sylvia Plath, how i adore you so.

I have been either too busy or too sick to do anything for myself lately. So lately, I have been readng a chapter from The Bell Jar every night. I just came across this section and it made me think about something:

"I had always looked down on my mother's college, as it was coed, and filled with people who couldn't get scholarships to the big eastern colleges.
Now I saw that the stupidest person at my mother's college knew more than I did. I saw they wouldn't even let me in through the door, let alone give me a scholarship like the one I had at my own college." - The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath - page 125

That section of the novel made me think about community colleges versus universities and state schools. Everyone constantly looks down at community colleges only because most of the people who want to go there are enrolled. However, even back in the 1930's, people still looked down at schools that weren't as known for academics but for the availability of the student body. In the section above, it proves that those at community colleges work their asses off to the point that some people from other colleges couldn't even keep up with the presented work. Every college has the same presented idea: work hard, do your best and enjoy the time spent. That's it; hands down.

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