Sunday, May 4, 2008

"i'm a rover."

'My eyes are as bright as stone
yours are as bright as the sea
come to me, fall into my arms
let's be all that we can be.'

Time has always been an important aspect of my life. Whether it is time for me to be alive during the days of chemotherapy or time for me to take a step forward or back just to see what lays ahead. Right now, time is a strangely difficult factor. I want time to move quickly because I want to move into my apartment. Yet, I want time to move by slowly so certain feelings or specific memories can last a little bit longer. I wish time could fast forward, stop and rewind. However, life isn't that wondrous.

I don't know what it is, but I remain in a rut. This 'writing rut,' you could call it. I feel stranded and unable to even get further into my novel. Does this mean this novel will not succeed? Does this mean I will never become accomplished? I believe not. I finally got the MCC magazine I had submitted a story to and read my short story. I was utterly impressed and proud. Still, I need something more. Maybe it all revolves around time. I need more time. But all we will ever recieve is less.

there is a boy.
my heart beats twice as fast when our fingers touch.
i worry, however.
i worry he will dissapear.
i worry i will fail myself again.
i worry that i will never be enough.
there is a boy.
i'm falling for.

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