Sunday, July 27, 2008

time of thought.

DOING A WORLD OF GOOD I was outstanding. Seriously, the most amazing week of my life. Words can't put a finger on how awesome this week was. From becoming close friends with the international kids to watching adults slide through mud puddles - everything was perfection. No one knows what it is like to be surrounded by individuals who are all at one place for one reason. Camp makes me whole. It fills me up with strength, hope and love for those suffering and those helping others stay alive. People do not understand the passion I have for this organization because they havn't lived it. Camp Good Days and Special Times is a reality outside of a reality. It's a place where everyone is 100% real, but in an atmosphere much unlike the one they are used to. I've been volunteering for 5 years now and I cannot see myself not being a part of this beautiful world.

Today my father came for a visit. It was the most emotional one yet. He wrote me a letter - pretty much expressing his thoughts since the divorce. It made my heart drop and really made me cry. It made me think about family and what it means to have a family that works. It seems that these days no one has a perfect family. Truthfully, perfection is merely impossible. However, the bumps in the road can make us stronger I guess. My father is someone who I see so much of myself in - sometimes scary and sometimes good. Yet, we all make mistakes and maybe it will take years to get over. But the emotion that remails, obvious or not, is love. No one can take that away.

"I wanna linger
a little longer
a little longer with you."



Anonymous said...

Camp was a blast! Work is very cruel to me at this moment. They don't even have open areas, can you believe it?

And no family is perfect, years past or present. What you've been dealt is all you get. I need to really do better at staying in touch with mine. :(

Humongous hugs,

Anonymous said...

Camp was a blast! Work is very cruel to me at this moment. They don't even have open areas, can you believe it?

And no family is perfect, years past or present. What you've been dealt is all you get. I need to really do better at staying in touch with mine. :(

Humongous hugs,

Anonymous said...

Eep, forgive the double comment. Silly computers.

Anonymous said...

It usually takes people much longer to figure out how tough life can be. Friends, family, and/or siblings can do many things that conflict with your view of them. Once you get a handle of WHAT you have control over, and a glimpse of WHY things are said or done, then you can better deal with it.

much love