Tuesday, July 15, 2008

an unforgotten tune.

she's riding horses through the night
with no one else in nearby sight
only fire flies and candle light
she only dreams to forget the fight.

I'm tired. I am always tired. It's strange being home. I've been home every weekend in July for either camp (by the way - DAWG I is next week =] ) or the garage party - which was excellant. However, being home makes me feel as if I'm in High School again and every morning when my sister and mom leave for their volleyball camp - I feel like I'm staying home sick like I did so many times in my past. I begin to look around the room and feel as if I'm in a cell and the same emotions come at me through the walls. It's scary. No one knows what I went through during those years - no one knows the details and the thoughts that attack me every day. I still feel the way I used to. Perhaps the feeling is a slightly different emotion, but it's still there and that's the problem.

I'm beginning to look at 4-year colleges and, again, I feel like I'm back in High School. I still feel hopeless, as if I'm not going to figure out where my life is taking me. However, I have been looking at a few different schools, but they're too expensive and private. It's annoying. If only I could either win the lotto or become famous over night, then everything would be perfect.

Yeah, we all wish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

out of curiosity, why private? they are more expensive with less bang for the buck. i am happy with buffalo. i know i am getting a better education than anybody at st. john fisher, cazenovia, etc. yet paying way less. don't let ridiculous labels like private steer your life because thats ridiculous! and do not be so hopeless--there is something out there for everyone. we all find that something at different times, so be patient and don't look for it and, corny as this sounds, it'll fall right into your little lap! good luck.