Tuesday, October 14, 2008

a memory, a spirit.

Matthew D. Graham
A brother. A hero. A friend.

My brother passed away at 8:15 am on October 14, 2008. He died comfortably and with little pain. Even though it is hard to think this and say it - it's too surreal to believe. He was my only brother. He was my father's only son. He was my hero and taught me more then I learned during my years at school. He was a person who was dead honest and told the world the truth even when we didn't want to hear it at all. He had a beautiful mind and explored so much that it allowed his intelligence to spread into all of our hearts.

It's all like a horrid nightmare. Who dies in their thirties within a month? Who deserves to feel the pain that Matt did? We can all keep on asking these questions but they will never be answered. It's difficult to think that he watched me suffer and survive and I had to watch him suffer and pass away. It is all too unfair.

My brother is in a better place now - even though it is hard to state. Her left an imprint on all of our lives and we will still learn more from him even though he is only a spirit now.

Friday, October 10, 2008

just give me a miracle.


A hand he holds out
Waiting for the world
To kiss his palm.
Oh and how that world flew.
The earth jumped,
The waves charged.
Yet when the angels came forth,
His fingers melted into a fist.
He didn’t want the world fighting for him,
He wanted to fight for the world.

And so they grew stubborn,
Those angels pushed to help.
Yet they ceased, knowing his strength;
Feeling his heart beat against the silk of their wings.
A heart so pure and a heart so profound –
The earth jumped,
The waves charged.
They fluttered back and painted the scene -
Of a man so full of light, of life
They fell into a shadow all their own.

A heart he holds out
Hoping for the world
To believe in him.
For miracles come in packages all their own.
Packages of love and light
And living the fight.
For living doesn’t mean feeling a change.
It takes the smoothness of a stone,
The velvet of a wave –
To teach the world it’s all in a thought,
All in the man,

And all in the world to just believe he can.
- jennigraham

It is an informational website explaining his disease, his life - present and past - and is allowing donations as well as selling bracelets (all the money goes to medical finances). This has all taken so much out of all of us - friends and family. The cancer has spread to all his other major organs - all beside his heart. The doctors say that he is terminal, but Matthew will prove them wrong.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

no time for falling backwards.

When did life become so unkind? Who had the idea that being cruel to one another would bring one closer in the strangest of ways? I don't get it. Today, everyone yells and insults and fights with everyone just because it has become a way of life and communication. It all began with war and went to slavery and went from there. It has tought people that cruelty is just something we all have to get used to. How much sadder can life get?

My brother continues to struggle with cancer. He still is terribly ill - has not opened his eyes, talked or moved his left side. He still looks like a barely breathing blob. He also has pneumonia, which is not good to deal with on top of all this. He will be finishing his first round of radiation, which I hope helps a lot. We need anything. I just want my brother back.

let's sing along
to 'all you need is love'
where did that thought go?
when did it dissapear?