Tuesday, October 14, 2008

a memory, a spirit.

Matthew D. Graham
A brother. A hero. A friend.

My brother passed away at 8:15 am on October 14, 2008. He died comfortably and with little pain. Even though it is hard to think this and say it - it's too surreal to believe. He was my only brother. He was my father's only son. He was my hero and taught me more then I learned during my years at school. He was a person who was dead honest and told the world the truth even when we didn't want to hear it at all. He had a beautiful mind and explored so much that it allowed his intelligence to spread into all of our hearts.

It's all like a horrid nightmare. Who dies in their thirties within a month? Who deserves to feel the pain that Matt did? We can all keep on asking these questions but they will never be answered. It's difficult to think that he watched me suffer and survive and I had to watch him suffer and pass away. It is all too unfair.

My brother is in a better place now - even though it is hard to state. Her left an imprint on all of our lives and we will still learn more from him even though he is only a spirit now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( I'm so sorry, Jenni. This breaks my heart. :( :( -JoMo