Monday, September 28, 2009

end of september update.

I've become lazy when it comes to updating this blog. Here's a quick reminder of what's been going on during the last month at Keuka:

1) My ears are STILL plugged - yes, it's going on ten months.
2) I'm officially the worst ASL student in level three.
3) I'M 21! It rocks.
4) Boys confuse me like no other these days. When will that ever end? Can't things be simple when it comes to the opposite species?
5) I'm slowly going back to writing and reading after a couple weeks of not having the time to.
6) My brother's one year is coming up and it's getting more and more difficult to face. We are in the process of making shirts to wear on 10/14/2009.
7) Did I mention that my ears are still plugged?

Okay, that's all for now. When something extraordinary comes up, I will try my best to complain about it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

update from the keuka student.

Well, Keuka College is officially amazing. Seriously, I'm so glad that I decided to come here. It's small, but feels like home already and the students already know my name - not for anything bad, either. I've met some great, fun people and surprised myself by how outgoing I was within the first 24 hours. By the end of our first night on campus, I had already met a bunch of people on the top floor of Harrington and went over to Ball Hall to hang out with some people. The unique thing about Keuka is that there is a connected college in China and a lot of the seniors at that school come here. I've met so many awesome Chinese students! Truly, i love it here.

Quick tid-bits:
- I just became the Co-Advocacy Chair for the Up 'Til Dawn club which supports childhood cancer research and St. Jude.
- I've gone to the library almost every day as well as to the gym.
- I played kick ball - yes, it's hard to believe.
- I am struggling through my American Sign Language classes, since I was placed in level 3, but am going to work hard to understand it all.
- I know almost all of the American names for the Chinese students on campus - one being named Potato. Yes, you heard me.
- I've been going to bed early on weeknights and only drinking on weekends.
- I'm having a wonderful time!