Wednesday, September 9, 2009

update from the keuka student.

Well, Keuka College is officially amazing. Seriously, I'm so glad that I decided to come here. It's small, but feels like home already and the students already know my name - not for anything bad, either. I've met some great, fun people and surprised myself by how outgoing I was within the first 24 hours. By the end of our first night on campus, I had already met a bunch of people on the top floor of Harrington and went over to Ball Hall to hang out with some people. The unique thing about Keuka is that there is a connected college in China and a lot of the seniors at that school come here. I've met so many awesome Chinese students! Truly, i love it here.

Quick tid-bits:
- I just became the Co-Advocacy Chair for the Up 'Til Dawn club which supports childhood cancer research and St. Jude.
- I've gone to the library almost every day as well as to the gym.
- I played kick ball - yes, it's hard to believe.
- I am struggling through my American Sign Language classes, since I was placed in level 3, but am going to work hard to understand it all.
- I know almost all of the American names for the Chinese students on campus - one being named Potato. Yes, you heard me.
- I've been going to bed early on weeknights and only drinking on weekends.
- I'm having a wonderful time!

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