Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Would you wait if I came running home to you?"

And tonight I walk through an empty street
With my shadow stretching in front of me
When my lonely thoughts meet my lonely feet
And the cold reminds me that I've chosen this life
- Sherwood, The Town That You Live In

Being back in MCC for the past few days has given me the strength and thrill in life that I have been missing. The excitement of being around people I truly have fun with and being surrounded by a familliar atmosphere just makes me that much more excited for this school year to begin. The past few days I have been working at the Monroe Doctrine for over 6 hours each day. Truthfully, even thought it is tiring, hard working writing so many articles each day and learning layout - I'm really enjoying it. Being Opinion Editor gives me so much more power when setting up the newspaper. Today (Wednesday) I was at the office from 9am - 7pm. I worked the orientation and tried to recruit some people, some which I don't think will really help out. I've learned that I like being a leader. I like being the one who hands out article leadsheets and I like being the one to recruit new writers. Tomorrow is my last day in Rochester until I come back for the semester on Septemeber 4th. I hope to see Sara tonight or tomorrow, because I miss her dearly and we need to get some dorm stuff. I've been hanging out with Kasey everyday and she just makes my life just that much more memorable. We drank wine the first night, went to the movies with Sarah and Vanessa last night and went to Panera today. A bunch more people have been trying to get ahold of me but I've been really too busy this week to hang out or go out with them all. I can't wait until school starts. It's where I'm truly happy.

This weekend I am going to NYC with my dad and Carly. It should be fun. But the days following will be horrid. I have surgery on Monday and then two doctors appointments the following days. I want to go see Greg on Thursday but my doctor said I can't drive within the first week of recovery. That makes me extremely depressed. I haven't seen him all summer. It's seriously something I'm going to do, whether or not those damn doctors say I can or can't. Then Suzy's party is on friday and I know I will be going to that, even if I got cotton balls in my nose.

Oh yeah, I got a car. It's a silver taurus SES with a cd player and leather seats. Oh and by the way, the battery died on Monday morning before my first session at the MD. It took me three hours, three cups of coffee and $200 before I got it back later that day. But I like it and am glad I finally have something to drive myself places in.

MCC = love
Can't wait!

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