Monday, October 1, 2007

'An adventure into Borders'

Today my alarm didn't go off. It's funny because some people would be happy that they missed class and a meeting to fall asleep for a longer period of time. I was not one of those individuals. I felt like a horrible person and student and felt lazy because I had nothing truly on my plate for the rest of the day. So after emailing my teacher and gathering my laptop, Second Glance by Jodi Picoult and my notebook for Art History - I drove to Borders to feel a little useful.

When I entered the building, I felt the need to wonder. I hadn't been alone in the bookstore for a while now and wanted to look at the newest novels and read a little bit about them. It's kind of funny, being and up and coming writer, because I find it fascinating to merely look at the cover of a book, see the publisher, read the first sentence and set it down. It gives me a little bit of a heads up for my own inner author. The cover gives me an idea for my future illustrator. The publisher allows me to see who the most popular one for the time being is and if they would ever give my book a chance. The first sentence is the most important part; it allows me to compare the first statement of the random novel to my own and see if they both equally attract attention. Sometimes I got irritated - reading sentences that were of no interest at all yet got published. I continue to hope that my books will be recognized and the only thing I need now is the energy and hope that I can keep pressing on.

A small statement from page 86 of A Separation of Heart:
As the two of them began to dive into their dinners, Lylie couldn’t stop thinking about the memories she had just flown back into. Times of trial and times of regret. Yet, throughout those difficult moments – she had been able to dig out a memory of goodness.
Something she had been hoping she still had left.

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