Thursday, September 27, 2007

writers block

Latest advice from Jodi Picoult in an email recieved recently:
"You can edit a bad page, not a blank one."

Lately, I haven't been able to write in my novel as much. From school work to the Monroe Doctrine - I've felt empty for words when it comes to writing for myself. It is quite frustrating to state it bluntly. I need my writing like people need oxygen. My book is coming along quite well however, and you can really, truly tell how much my writing has changed within the past year. It's much more descriptive and real and the details sometimes blow me away. I guess after I read a passage or two from A Separation of Heart, I feel more confident and like an actual author. Yet, when I go to Creative Writing early in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursday - I feel ordinary and average; I don't feel the confidence I feel after I have written a good few pages or even sentenses of my book.

So Like Jodi Picoult said - I have to write something because you can only change what is there, not what isn't. So I will push myself. Because once I am pushed to do what I know I truly love - I will never stop for a second.

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