Tuesday, November 20, 2007

my life as a see-saw

Oh I don't believe it,
That I could be so deceiving
And bringing you down to feel this lack of loyalty.
You were a song in my head,
The warmth of the sheets in my bed.
A story forever told, but never old,
A warm arrival never left so cold.
Don't blink, don't close your eyes,
But most of all don't apologize.
It's me who's got the demons to wrestle now.
Sherwood, Song in my Head

It's funny how something can be so great one moment and then nothing the next - even if that something you thought was there, wasn't really in the first place. People fall way too fast, I being one of them. I guess I need to relax and wait. Even though waiting is the most painful of actions.

So I'm back to the start
At that wooden, rusting see-saw
Near that half broken bridge
Should I jump over to the other side
Even if I'm still the one
Who ends up on the bottom
Of the see-saw every time?
I'll just have to wait
Until it's my turn to rise to the sky.

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