Tuesday, December 18, 2007

band-aids for the scratches.

I hope...
That my Christmas is practically drama-free. I know I cannot say it will be absolutely drama-free because that would be insane. Nothing is perfect. Families can try their best to be perfect - but perfection is unattainable. No matter the circumstances.

I'll try...
To be a better, more confident person throughout the winter season and into the new year. I need to find a good, happy medium where I don't just feel content but feel true to myself with every decision I make. I need to try harder to grab onto a future goal - whether it be getting better grades, figuring out a career path or just being a happy individual.

I want...
To lose 10 pounds to become more confident. To change up my hair or my style, just to release some locked energy. To finally talk to my father about how badly he screwed up... excuse me, changed my life. To drink less and excersice more often. To finish the book I am writing by Spring Break and begin sending to agents by the summer.

I wish...
I could trust people. From family to friends to men - I just can't. I want to find someone who I can have a decent and carefree relationship with. I'm sick of searching and flirting around at parties just waiting to be let down. I wish I could trust myself, trust my instincts and trust the fact that someday, if something is meant to be - it will happen.

In life, you have to wait.
Because jumping to conclusions
Is just as bad as jumping to your death.

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