Tuesday, December 4, 2007

what is this season really all about?

Sometimes I think I am too nice. Some people may not believe me, but I certainly do. I put others before myself all the time to the point when I'm completely dumbfounded about my own life. I care about how other people feel before I let myself even think about me. I don't like when people hate me. I get nervous when people like me. So what can I truly be content about when it comes to myself?

So, again, another Holiday season is here. Another month of no money to buy anyone anything, couples spending too much time together and our family fighting to figure out what to do about Christmas day. Divorce ruins traditions - no matter what my sister wants to say, it does. It's been three years, three Christmas's with the same traditions since I was born. Now, however, I still like the traditions but wish there were two Christmas days - one with my dad, one with my mom. I don't like sharing it and opening gifts with them both and eating breakfast and dinner together. It shouldn't be like that anymore and when we are all together, pretending nothing ever went wrong, it makes everything so much worse.

I don't like school. Maybe all this negativity is just because it's cold and snowy, but I'm sick of doing all this work for nothing. I'm tired of learning about statistics when nothing will come of it in my future. I'm tired of having to be surrounded by stubborn stares and annoying voices. But I guess no matter what I do or where I go, nothing will change. People will still have opinions and people will still sound annoying and stare through you. I guess that is just the world we live in. Sad, isn't it?

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