Saturday, December 29, 2007

another year, another wish

Did you forget that yellow bird?
How could you forget your yellow bird?
She took a small silver wreath and pinned it on to me
She said this one will bring you love
And I don't know if it's true but I keep it for good luck
- Bright Eyes, We Are Nowhere, And it is Now

Sleeping pills, no sleeping dogs lie never
Far enough away
Glistening in the cold sweat of guilt
I’ve watched you slowly winding down for years
You can’t keep on like this
Now is as bad of time as any
- Imogen Heap, Speeding Cars

'Music brings to life a world that no one can truly describe.
It takes you from a harsh reality and switches your gaze
To one that is less harmful, less guilty.
Music releases you to a world where everything surrounding you
Is nothing but true.'

2008 will bring:
- Another finished novel - better than Addiction
- A healthier, slimmer me (15 pounds lighter, I hope)
- Above a 3.0 GPA
- More therapy sessions
- Confidence

I recieved another email from Jodi Picoult. I asked her about organization when it comes to writing - for I have been feeling like my work is not organized enough. This was her answer:

Jenni, for organization, a lot of the answer is practice - I write plots out and let the story percolate, and then I do tons of research ahead of time, and by the time I get to write it's all very organized in my mind. Sometimes it helps to plot out characters - their likes and dislikes, etc. Don't let yourself get hung up, though - concentrate on telling the story. It WON'T come out perfectly the first time, that's a given - so just plow through it and THEN go back and make your changes!
Jodi Picoult

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