Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a natural sickness

So of course I continue to get sick. I've had an ongoing cold/sinus infection since September (right after the surgery to help my sinuses). So, I try my best to survive - by downing tylenol and sudafed or whatever you call it. I'm beginning to think the surgery made everything worse. I will continue to believe that statment until proved otherwise.

This past week has made me believe that there are no such thing as nice men. Guys have absolutely no care in the world except for where they put their dick. Excuse my french. While girls begin to have emotional connections, guys only want sex and that just makes them all jerks. Come on, we've known this for the longest time. A friend of the family once told me that all guys are jerks: there are good jerks and bad jerks. I agree 100% with that statement and will quote it until the day I perish. But I am sick of being attracted to bad jerks. I always go for the kind of guy who will put me down or step all over me. When will I realize my problem and change? It's hard to change a way of attraction when its been there all of your life.

So I'm still having major writers block. I'm on around page 120 of A Separation of Heart and it's so far an above average piece of prose. However, I want something phenomonal - and I know that I can do that. I need to stop and think about where this book is going and how it is going to end. Usually the characters take the story in their own direction. I guess they have been napping and forgot where they were to begin with.

Well, I love my friends and I love my mom. I love my classes and I love eating. I hate working out and I hate winter weather. I hate not knowing where I'm going after MCC and I hate always being tired. I guess life is just full of 'I loves' and 'I hates."


Anonymous said...

You need to learn that not all guys are "jerks", whether they be good or bad. Some guys sit quietly in the corner, biding their time, until they find just the right moment.

It's those guys you overlook in this post, and it's those guys most girls overlook in life. There are plenty of nice guys that would want to treat girls like you like princesses who feel just as used and tossed away as you do.

Give those guys a chance and you might find yourself feeling a little differently.

Granted, you'll have to wade through the weeds to find the guy you're looking to find.

Luck to you.

~ Genjuu

Anonymous said...

Honestly, sex without being emotionally connected to the person is a hollow, tawdry experience.