Friday, March 21, 2008

there will be an answer, let it be.

"Living is easy with eyes closed,
misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone
but it all works out.
It doesn't matter much to me."
Across The Universe, Strawberry Fields

I've always tried to live my life in the simplest form it can possibly be lived to. I tell myself to always be kind and to love those who are different. I've grown up understanding people's faults and allowing their faults to grow upon my own skin. I've learned that war is wrong and stupid and selfish. I've taught myself that love can't be created but has to be found.

Across The Universe is a movie about how people live their lives to the simplest way they can but get stuck in the middle of something so wrong that they wonder how they got there in the first place. Everyone deals with that feeling. Some throw it to the side and try to forget it while others hold onto it until the day they die. This movie has every aspect of humanity within it: war, love, rebellion, friendship, racism, trust and symbolism of what life is supposed to look like through the eyes of someone so unsure about their own. Every character goes through a transition, whether or not that transition works out for the best. Just like in life, everyone goes through different stages. Whether it consists of drugs and sex or work and family - every stage changes the person for the better.

This movie proves that point correctly.

My life isn't all just sunshine and glitter - it's fucking hard. Who's life isn't that way? I've had to deal with my own personal war against myself for years as well as trust issues, family issues, mental issues and the theory of life versus death. Everyday I continue to fight within myself about whether or not it's worth the battle. It always is. If I didn't think twice about a single thought or action then something could go terribly wrong and regret would follow. Of course I want love, who doesn't? But I can't just sit around and wait for it to knock me off of my feet. Just like in Across the Universe, Jude and Lucy don't always agree but come together because of their disagreeing past.

No one's perfect. I just need to find someone who can prove to me that they are at least trying.

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