Wednesday, June 4, 2008

a change? a mission? a journey?

It's funny how things change. How people change. Or maybe it isn't exactly changing, but the idea of falling back onto what you always wanted. Within the past couple weeks I have been thinking about my future. Where it is going and what it will be like. Sure, it's hard to create a perfect image in your mind about something so willing to change - but it's that willingness that needs to be seen.

Everyday when I wake up and go to work, at the daycare, I find myself more and more wanting to work with children. Every since I was little, I was great with kids. I liked being around them and making them smile. That's why I'd do anything for those kids at work - even the ones I cannot stand. So now I'm starting to want to change my major... again. Back to Liberal Arts most likely. I'm starting to want to major in Early Childhood Develepment or Recreational Therapy. I want to be a Child Life Specialist. I love Camp Good Days and making kids who are struggling fire back and be strong. So, by working with sick children and helping them cope - I think my questions may be answered.

However, there's is always that question of writing. Where will it go? No where, duh. I NEED to write and WILL be an author. Maybe I do not need to major in communications or english to be published - I just have to be willing to keep giving it a shot.

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