Sunday, June 15, 2008

an invisible ache.

My summer has been, well, okay. It's different being away from home - good and bad. I miss seeing my mother and listening to my sister laugh with her friends. It's strange waking up and going to work everyday, even though I've come to enjoy it. Work isn't even work for me - it's passion. Being with children seems to make me less grumpy and more free. At least that's how I see it.

I'm going to be calling Strong Memorial Hospital to see if I can volunteer in the childrens oncology ward on the weekends. I think it will not only look good on my resume, but will open my eyes to a different reality - the reality I want to spend the rest of my life helping. With Camp coming up soon, my excitement continues to rage. Sure, there are some aspects this year that I am nervous about, but I'm excited to be at the one place that only results in positivity. I can go there and leave any drama from Roc behind me and focus on the kids there. My sister being one of those kids.

However, some things are still upsetting me. Certain people I once felt one way about have made me see them in a different light. It's weird how you can feel one way towards someone and then instantly want to blow up in their face the next. The only thing is - I don't understand why these feelings are here. This person dissapeared, out of the blue, for no reason that I am really aware of. It kills me because I want to know what I did wrong, if anything at all.

the brightest light will hurt you;
the dimmest light will correct the pain.


Anonymous said...

"This person dissapeared, out of the blue, for no reason that I am really aware of. It kills me because I want to know what I did wrong, if anything at all."

interesting--you did the same thing to me. i am a bit embittered because i thought you were a woman of your word. ha.

Anonymous said...

p.s. if you are going to be a writer, how about using a spell check/learning about grammar?

jennifergraham said...

Excuse me, but it would be nice to know who this person is.