Saturday, March 21, 2009

terrible three's.

So, lately I have been feeling off. Everything is bothering me, my mood is weird and every aspect of every day makes me anxious. I'm not sure why this is happening. Maybe it all goes back to the fact that my brother isn't here and the reason he isn't. Maybe it's because I'm confused about things like relationships and guys. Or maybe it is because I'm not quite positive who my real friends are.

I thought about it the other day and realized that I have grown up in the world of three's. This means that I have always been in a group of three people and have never been the best friend or the leading lady. Here is a list of my 'three' past:

1) Stevie, Amber and Jenni (my closest in age cousins)
2) Heather, Katie and Jenni
3) Kylee, Erika and Jenni
4) Dana, Meghan and Jenni
5) Mr. B, Ed and Jenni
6) Sara, Kasey and Jenni
7) Stacey, Skye and Jenni

Notice how I'm always last? Well, maybe it's because I just put my name there or because that's how I feel. I know, I know - I'm paranoid. It just got me thinking about who my real friends are and if it's worth the struggle and effort to be someone in a 'three.' Maybe, I just become attracted to that grouping or ironically I fall into those situations. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

Anyway, I'm almost done with Jodi Picoult's newest book and will blog about that when I finish or find the time. So far, it is terrific - as always. I'm still working, slowly, on my newest book. It's got definate potential and I'm going to keep working on it. I know that if this story finishes and is legit - it's going somewhere.

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