Sunday, May 17, 2009

catch up entry.

So it's summer - somewhat officially. Here are a few things worth discussing:

1) This third year @ MCC was a learning experience.  It taught me that I need to stand up for myself, that life and death is unfair and unexpected, that money will always be limited and that I'm growing up.  It's been the roughest year of my life and I am so thankful that I will be living on the lake this summer.  Relaxation is key. 

2) I'm still working on getting a summer job.  I've had two interviews and both jobs would begin in July, if I got them.  I'm not overly thrilled about either of them, which frustrates me.  Maybe it's because they're 30 mins from camp or because they start a month into summer. I don't know. Money is money though and I need what I can get.  

3) Also, I've come to realize that I need to stop looking for love and let it find me.  Of course, we all say this and want it to happen - and usually it wont. Maybe not 'love,' but interest. I'm going to try not to look for anyone this summer and if something comes my way, so be it.  I need to do my own thing and stop relying on someone else to make me happy. 

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