Friday, May 29, 2009

let the sunshine fall

I am officially a Monroe Community College Alum. Okay, so some people wouldn't be so thrilled about that - but I am, to say the least.  It's been a long, rough ride and I'm excited to go to Keuka in the fall.  The bad thing about community colleges is that you leave the great friends you have made back where you met them.  However, the good thing is that you have another chance to be yourself and to start fresh. When you go right from HS to a 4 year school - you don't have that chance.  You get a reputation and it sticks with you until you graduate.  I'm excited to start again and meet new people.  For sure, I will miss everyone from Rochester, but it's those who show me that they care who will stay close with me for always. 

So far, summer has been swell.  It sucks that I don't have a job yet and I'm thinking I wont have one this summer. If one comes around, it comes around. I've been out at camp quite a bit and have already had some great days of laying in the sun and drinking by the campfire.  It's refreshing waking up and being lazy all day - it gives you time to think.  Okay, okay it makes me look like a bum - but it's summer!  All year long I have classes and work and drama.  Now, it's me time and I think I deserve that. 

Again, I'm slowly beginning to write.  I've had an awful case of writers block since last summer and it is horrible.  I used to write all day and night and now I'm lucky to get a couple paragraphs in a day. I like the story line, but don't I say that about every one? We will see how far it takes me. Hopefully, I have a winner. 

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