Tuesday, June 2, 2009

literature VS film


( Coming to theaters June 26th )

My Sister's Keeper was the book that introduced me to Jodi Picoult and the wonder that she creates within the pages of her books.  In some ways, it's frightening to think that someone could make a movie from such a remarkable novel and not have some sort of conflict.  I've watched the trailer so many times and teared up every time.  The trailer is so powerful that I can barely wait to see the film.  I read on JP's website that the ending is different. Now, THIS made me mad.  You cannot change the ending to that story because it will not be the same.  However, she continued to say that if 'you are a real fan, you will appreciate the change.' Yes, I'm a real fan.  But, I'm still nervous about the change. 

Still have writers block and yes, it sucks. 

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