Friday, June 26, 2009

"even after death, the relationship continues."

This afternoon I watched My Sister's Keeper. I was amazed by how each character was brought to life just like Jodi's text was and how amazing Sofia V. (Kate) brought forth the pain that cancer caused her. The story-line went pretty much hand in hand with the book - which made me more then content.  Of course, like predicted, the ending was much, much different.  However, the change was not tacky, but brought to the screen with class.  I emailed Jodi Picoult right after I got back from the movies and asked her about her thoughts on the change.  She answered: 

I didn't take the change well - I think it ruined the story, frankly, But like you said - I had no control (and when I complained I got tossed off the set!) JP 

I still love how she answers my email within minutes of it sending. It amazes me that she has the time to answer back to all of her fans. Even though I still believe that the ending in the book is the correct ending, the movie still brought tears to my eyes and made me think about the important things in life. 

I'm still writing without writers block and it's fabulous. I'm beginning to really know the characters that I am creating: Josie - learning to love; Cady - learning to grow; Fay - learing to be herself. It's fascinating when the people you create begin to rub off on you and you begin to see someone walking through a store and say, hey, that girl reminds me of so-and-so.

That's what prose does - it's makes you alive. 

Saturday, June 13, 2009

rain, ducklings and words.

I've officially broken out of my writers block - thank god.  Last week I thought of the reason why I hadn't been able to concentrate on the stories I had been working on.  I need to actually get under the character's skin and become friends with them (if that sounds creepy at all, I'm sorry). When I had been writing Addiction, I knew every single character and could describe them in perfect detail.  Also, I need to write from the perspective of the character - like I did in Addiction.  It doesn't only make the story more interest, it makes the reader feel what the character feels and believe what the character believes.  Right now, I'm content with the story I'm writing. 

It's about three girls, Josie, Fay and Cady, who all end up at a hospital for totally different reasons.  One is there because of mental illness, one is there because of cancer and one is there because she is pregnant.  One day at lunch time, they all ironically end up at the same table and begin an interesting conversation.  After that date, they each meet there every day at noon. The story goes through the hardships that each girls pushes through and their personal issues they must deal with - love, identity and purpose. 

Still, I have no job and am just waiting for luck to find me.  However, until then, I have my book (I'm on page 27). 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

literature VS film

( Coming to theaters June 26th )

My Sister's Keeper was the book that introduced me to Jodi Picoult and the wonder that she creates within the pages of her books.  In some ways, it's frightening to think that someone could make a movie from such a remarkable novel and not have some sort of conflict.  I've watched the trailer so many times and teared up every time.  The trailer is so powerful that I can barely wait to see the film.  I read on JP's website that the ending is different. Now, THIS made me mad.  You cannot change the ending to that story because it will not be the same.  However, she continued to say that if 'you are a real fan, you will appreciate the change.' Yes, I'm a real fan.  But, I'm still nervous about the change. 

Still have writers block and yes, it sucks.