Thursday, August 20, 2009


It's been a little while since I last updated this. Here's a quick overview of all the excitement that you missed:

1) Camp Good Days and Special Times 2009 was absolutely incredible. It was an amazing week and I got to meet some amazing campers and wonderful volunteers. Everything felt right this year - meaning that there was no drama. I learned so much this summer by being around these people. Again, CGD made me realize how lucky i am to be a survivor and to be a part of this organization. I'm already getting heartfelt emails and i love to read them. I've also found out that one of my former campers relapsed and needs a lung transplant. I'm in the process of visiting her. I need to find more time.

2) The weekend after CGD, I went to Baltimore with my dad and sister. It was odd this year, not having my brother there to pick on us and fart and laugh and push me around. Again, we stayed at his place and i could feel his spirit everywhere. We avoided the aquarium this summer. It's to close to home when it comes to missing my brother. It wouldn't have felt right without him telling us everything and anything about the sealife. I miss him more and more and the fact that it has been almost a year still leaves me in awe.

3) Carly has moved into the real world and is officially a student at Ithaca. It was odd helping her unpack and watch her talk to the team. For the first time in a while, she is alone. Maybe not totally alone, but without her close knitted group of friends and without my parents to guide her along with the food issues. I miss her - it's a fact. Even though we haven't always seen eye to eye, i miss the times when we get along so well that we laugh to the point of tears. She's my little sister and she is now a college girl

I move into Keuka soon and I'm more than ready. I want to wake up tomorrow and for it to be the 26th. It will be soon enough. Until then - I will enjoy the rest of this nonesense summer.

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