Sunday, September 21, 2008

cancer is hell.

My big brother, Matthew Graham, had a stroke Thursday morning. After being brought to the hospital, cancer was found in his arm, his lungs, his abdomen and his brain. After hearing this news, I raced home and we all left for Baltimore Friday morning. No one saw this coming. My brother is the most intelligent, strongest, couragous and thoughtful person I know. The fact that this is happening to him is absolutely unthought of.

Seeing him Friday for the first time was horrid. I had to wait a moment to go in and see him. There were tubes everywhere and he was unstable - not breathing on his own. The doctors say that he will need a miracle to get feeling back on the left side of his body (due to the stroke and the tumor over his brain stem). However, it will also take a miracle to get him healthy again.

My brother has always been my hero and the fact that he is this way makes me wonder why bad things happen to such wonderful people. Matt is strong and I KNOW he will fight this. He is stubborn and the fact that everyone has seen him so helpless must be killing him. He can hear us, but cannot respond with his voice. Right now, he can only use his right hand or head movement. Which, I believe - is more than the doctors expected for him to be doing at this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart broke a little when I read this. I've never been good with words, but a lot of people love you and your brother sounds like a fighter. That's really the most important thing in my opinion, sheer will and determination.

Doctor's don't know everything, so when they talk in absolutes I think it's almost akin to malpractice.

It choked me up a little just because it brought up memories of my dad being sick from two years back. Even though it does not come naturally, I'm praying for your family.

Huge hugs,