Thursday, September 13, 2007

sophmore slump

Life is evil. It is horrid and wrong and disgusting in so many ways. Take war, for instance. People think the most humane way to solve conflict is by killing each other. How humane does that truly sound?

But really, the most disgusting thing about life is what some people will do just to make themselves feel stronger; to feel content with themselves and not how they effect others. Men believe that they can constantly overpower women. In truth, they feel like they can get away with anything. They can say what they want and when they want to. They can act how they want because they think it is okay. And men will have sex with whoever they feel like having sex with - even when the time is totally out of hand. Whether their partner is unwilling or drunk, they will find away to make themselves the stronger individual.

How pathetic is that? This world that we live in is turning into a trash can full of grossly out of order men. They always think they are the better gender. I hate that. Woman are strong - but when it comes to overpowering a man, it can put a damper on our strength. The world sees women as a target. We are whores, sluts and hoes. But when it comes to men - they are nothing but pimps or whatever else people say that builds them up when people tear women apart for doing the same thing.

The point is - who can anybody trust anymore? When men are cheating on, lieing to and raping women - where do we really stand in society?

It's disgusting and it makes me sick.

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