Monday, September 3, 2007

"And nothing can get worse in the best place for me"

It's wonderful to see the people I have been missing all summer. It's great to see the faces of people who remember me when I totally forgot who they were. It's great to be growing closer to people who I knew of in High School but now know.

It's not great, however, that I totaled my car within the first 48 hours.

Yes. Maybe what people say is true: I'm not a great driver. However, I think I am a very cautious and careful driver. Maybe that's just in Camillus, not on the streets of Rochester. I guess today it was one of those surreal moments, as Sara put it. We were turning onto East Henrietta at one of the busiest intersections near MCC, and thanks to Sara for pointing out the fact that a car was coming straight on at us - we didn't die. Just hit head on and totaled both cars. I closed my eyes after it happened - hoping it was a dream. But it wasn't at all. The car hit us so hard and he was driving so fast. Sara said thank god I hit the breaks and we were wearing seatbelts - or else we be dead.

So on a lighter note - my roommates are amazing. I like them both and they both seem like genuinely nice people. Which is excellant. Tomorrow I have classes.

And a lot of calls to make.

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