Sunday, March 2, 2008

I cannot give up.

Here is a quote from Jodi Picoult's new podcast entitled - "If at first you don't succeed..."
“One of the saddest truths in publishing is that good books aren’t always the ones that sell. You can do everything right and still not get a contract. More often, the writers who succeed are the ones who refuse to buckle under the failures that are heaped upon them; who reject the notion that they aren’t as mediocre as industry professionals say they are.”

Of course I'm still writing and after listening to Jodi's newest podcasts, I only want to write even more. It took her years and years to get where she wanted and if that happens to me - so be it. But I am talented and I know that is one of the hardest things for people to say. I never give myself credit, but who else do you know what has written a 260 page novel before they turned eighteen and is currently in the middle of a second one? My friends may think I'm crazy, but I just think I'm determined to become an appreciated writer.

Here's a short piece from A Separation of Heart:
“I grew up struggling and I do not want other children to do the same,” Phil had said, pouring Lacey another margarita as she hazily nodded her head in thanks. “I’m no Angelina, but I do try my best.”
“And that’s all you can do, right? Try your best?” Delia had asked, pushing away her empty martini glass, the scent of apple still dangling on the edge.
“That’s what they say,” he stated, his eyes tired but not deserted from thought. “Sometimes though, trying your best wont save the fading stars. The stars you can barely see are the ones that really do shine the brightest.”
Delia had promised herself that she would take that line and fit it into her book.

Jodi Picoult's newest novel comes out on March 3rd!
I already recomend it.

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