Sunday, May 6, 2007

silly, childish actions keep mimicking wild thoughts

Why is it my fault?

So maybe I try too hard

But its all because of this desire

I just wanna be liked, I just wanna be funny.

Looks like the jokes on me

So call me captain backfire

Im never speaking up again it only hurts me.

Id rather be a mystery than she (he) desert me.

Oh Im never speaking up again

Starting now

- My Stupid Mouth, John Mayer

I’ve got some problems but we’ve got ten dollars

That’s enough to get us wasted before the night is over

These past five days I’ve been completely sober

But tonight I’m getting ripped wide open

- Knights of the Island Counter, Dave Melillo

Use me as you will

Pull my strings just for a thrill

And I know I'll be okay

Though my skies are turning gray

- My Guardian Angel, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

And your slowly shaking finger tips

Show that your scared like me

So let's pretend we're alone

And I know you may be scared

And I know were unprepared but I don't care

- Vulnerable, Secondhand Serenade

Eighteen years old legally makes you an adult, right? Then how come I'm still a child - a little girl trapped in what society wants me to turn into? Truthfully, I'm lost. I don't know where I'm going to be in ten years and for that matter, I'm not ready to even think about what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. Sometimes, I wish I could just fast forward ten years from now and for just a moment, see what life is like. See who I'm with and how I live. See where I live and what friends are still by my side. I could see the adult I have become. I wish I could go back and life a minute or two when I was carefree and young. I didn't care what people thought and always thought I never would. It's funny how times change and the person inside of you does too.

Life is like a scar. A scar is the result of pain - physical and emotional. Yet, when it heals, you can pinch it and poke it and there is no feeling. We've gone numb. In life we get so used to overcoming the same dreadful obsticles that in the end, we have gone numb to how we react to them. Yet, the mark will remain forever - showing you where you have been and what boundries you have overcome. Scars are timelines. They can tell an entire story without a word being spoken.

My voice seems to be gone. Is it because I talk too much, or because you took my breath away?

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