Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"what took you so long?"

Sometimes people do things that they can't even explain the reason of. Maybe everything does happen for a reason. Either to prove to that person that they need to change or to give them a flash of reality and to make them look at what they care about most - their mistake or the reason they are afraid. The fear is there because they are so full of regret that it has overturned into a bucket full of overflowing fright. I guess that's what it feels like for a lot of people who are either jealous or cheat or steal. Because they know they are a good person and really don't know the reason that they did what they did. All they know is that it happened and they regret it to the point of insanity - allowing them to have sleepless nights, wishing they could go back and change those few moments and make them right.

Sometimes people really didn't even do anything wrong and society sees their action as normal behavior. But that person knows it was wrong and very unlike them. They know it was not something they should have done, being the kind of person they are. Whether it was being jealous of someone you had no right to be jealous of. Or cheating but not cheating at all because there was no relationship involved. But instead of feeling okay with their decision, they feel haunted and horrible - like the worst person in the world. But the real reason they feel so full of emptiness is because they didn't only hurt themselves - they are afraid they hurt someone else. Someone they felt so much affection for. And even if they didn't hurt the other person, their conscience is killing them.

"Sometimes people lie, not only to help themselves - but to help the person they are lying to, because they care that much."

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