Wednesday, May 2, 2007

"you can measure your life by the scenes you have survived"

Isn't it frightening what words can do? What emotions words can process into ones mind when they are finished reading the very last word typed onto a page? Words can explode any emotion: fear, happiness, depression, excitement, thrill. And even better - words only create these emotions because of the intelligence inside the authors mind.

At 3:08 in the morning on May 1st, I was afraid to go to sleep. I was afraid to go to school then next morning because I was scared. After finishing Jodi Picoult's newest novel, a lot of thoughts slipped into my brain - making the entire Virginia Tech situation seem even more real. I was afraid that someone was after me, going to run into my room and shoot me. I wouldn't know what to do if this occured. Yet, it all falls back into the authors hands. If Jodi Picoult wasn't such a wonderful, talented writer, I wouldn't have had these intense emotions. And someday, i hope that young readers all over the world will think this same way when they read my books.

I went to Borders tonight with my laptop, bought a drink and grabbed a Writers Digest, Hermans Guide to Agents, Cosmopoliton, and Mercy, another J.P. book. I typed up 2 1/2 pages of agents so that I can start this summer off well. I also am looking into going to a Writers Conference in NYC on May 30th where J.P. will be speaking. There will be sessions about novel writing and pitching your stories to agents as well as an hour to get a book signed and 2 hours to actually speak to agents. This would be so wonderful to go a be a part of. The only downfall is that it is $200... and I'm practically broke.

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