Monday, May 28, 2007

'turn out the lights'

So summer has officially begun and it has begun with me being sick. It isn't even sick exactly, it's that my tonsils/glands are sooo swollen that it hurts to eat, drink or move my neck. My body feels drained and when I went to the doctors, all they told me was that my lymphnodes were swollen. Um, duh? I knew that already. He said it could either be mono, toncilitis (meaning I'd have to get my tonsils out) or just my glands fighting something. Whatever it is, it hurts like hell and is pissing me off.

Tomorrow night @ 2 am I leave for NYC. Can you say excited? I can't wait to be there, learning about ways to make my writing better with people who are just as interested in novel writing as I am. I got an outfit and am just hoping to feel somewhat better by tomorrow night. It will be a long drive in the dark and I probably wont be able to sleep. I have a portfolio made up just in case and a notebook. I'm ready.

I miss MCC and everyone there. It feels weird not being around them every day and night. My room is cluttered with memories of them and it's hard to look at photos without some crazy memory taking over. I miss it all and can't wait until next year.

By the way, I might be getting a car. If I get a job... sweet!

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