Friday, May 4, 2007

"when I wake I can't recall a thing"

You see all those beautiful couples - walking in the hallways hand in hand or kissing gently in the corner of Starbucks. As I see those couples, I begin to realize how young they are and wonder if they will last forever. Forever is a long, long time and it frightens me that we are all either bound to find someone who will fit into the 'forever' category or find someone who wont.
The question remains - are people destined for each other or is it merely luck? I wrote an article about this that never made it into the paper, but the thought crossed my mind again tonight as I watched Sex and the City. Luck is the only explanation. If everyone is bound to fall under the 'destiny' spell, then why are there so many divorces and separations and cheating? Destiny doesn't make people cheaters. If you are lucky enough to find someone who loves you, it's fate. And fate is different then destiny. Fate is what happens as a result of luck. Luck that works.
I've been frustrated lately. Everyone around me has someone there for them. Dana has Ryan. Sara has Derek. Bam has Tony. And my best guy friend even has someone too nowadays. Where am I? Am I never going to be lucky enough to find someone worth holding onto? I can't trust. I can only hope. Hope that someday, something great will happen.

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