Thursday, April 5, 2007

"And what's a crush to do"

So I've been rather stressed lately. I mean, hasn't everyone? This semester has been one of the most difficult and busy semesters I have ever had to do deal with (well... it's only my second one but still...). From dificult classes to working on the newspaper to working at daycare to dealing with family and pioneer hall drama... i'm pretty much a mess. Sure, i am in love with writing for the newspaper so i would never give that up... but everything else is killing me. Journalism is the one class stressing me the frick out. Shouldn't I be liking this class the best? I don't write news. That's that. I'm creative and i like opinion and lifestyles... NOT news! Plus my teacher hates me. Oh well, I'm gunna fail no matter how hard I push myself.

Boys piss me off. They really do. One minute you think one likes you and then 2 seconds later BAM they don't want anything to do with you. Why do guys have to be so complicated? I think they got friggin PMS... just it's 24/7. Or maybe they're all just born bipolar. That would kinda suck. Besides, that's not the point. I guess i kinda just want someone to show that they like me for me. I haven't been in a true relationship for 2 1/2 years and it's time i found someone who really cared. But i guess i can't find them, they'll have to find me.

I've started another novel. Yup, I have. I like it, i think it will be good even though i'm only on page like 10. I still reallllllly wanna get a friggin agent for Addiction. That would be the most outstanding moment ever - recieving a letter from an agent that says 'we would love to work with you.' No one really understands how much that would mean to me. I deserve something good to happen.

So here are some things on my mind from the past few days:
- Girls = DRAMA
- Diets are so stupid... i've been trying so hard to eat healthy and i don't think I'm losing any weight. fuck it, w/e.
- Something is wrong with my eyes. It's either pink eye or an eye infection or my perscription has changed
- I talked to Greg on the phone last night when he was drunk and it made my crazy, fucked up night. He's a good guy
- I miss going to NYC w/ Katy, Billy, Brett, Ryan and Peter. It was wickeddddd fun and i wish i could go back and re-live it all... haha yea
- I love being tan... even if it's from a cancer bed
- I friggin love Calla and Jenny. They make my boring lil life a crazy friggin adventure
- NEVER do a power hour with wine... ask sara, it's not fun.

Ok... since i just wrote wayyyy too much cuz i have no life, I'm gunna go. I'll prolly keep updating this thing just cuz i wanna. yup, out.


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