Monday, April 16, 2007

"it sure will be hard to sleep tonight"

Isn't it sad that something like this would happen again? The shooting at Virginia Tech in now known as the biggest mass shooting in US History. Who has the guts to do something so horrid like this? Who would even think about doing something so evil and selfish?

The thoughts keep going through my mind - what if this happens to MCC? Sure, it most likely wont, but who knows, really? The kids at Columbine didn't think it would happen to them and look... it did. So really, who knows what may happen tomorrow or this weekend or next month. Something has to be done to people who seem extremely mentally unstable. Not the people who depression or bipolar disorder, but the scapegoats and the lost children - the people who seem innocent but may be schitophrenic or have a personality disorder. It's them who we need to pay more attention to.
I emailed Jodi Picoult today. I find it ironic that i am currently reading her most recent book Nineteen Minutes which has to do with a school shooting. I asked her if she finds this odd that her book just came out and that this happened. I also asked if this will change the way people view her book or the way she does. Now i want to finish it and see what the shooter was thinking. It's frightening.
There is an exerpt from her novel that i have bent the top page over onto for a week now. This is it:
"Nobody wants to admit this, but bad things will keep on happening. Maybe that's because it's all a chain and a long time ago someone did the first bad thing and that just led someone to do another bad thing and so on. You know, like that little game where you whisper a sentence into someone's ear and that person whispers it to someone else and it all comes out wrong in the end.
But then again, maybe bad things happen because it's the only way we can keep remembering what good is supposed to look like." - Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes
It's so ironic and so, so true. We all forget what good looks like because it keeps on getting covered up by the bad. Is it so hard to be good? Good meaning caring and helpful, kind and respectful.
I am writing an essay for a contest I will try out, nothing i am looking to win, but something just to try and expand my horizons. I read it over earlier and found a statement concerning the shooting as well as finding a sense of home:
"Whether it is finding serenity from using words to express true emotions or surviving something so horrid and unexplainable that it would take years to just prove a parents fear, home isn’t what the eyes are capable of viewing, it’s what the heart is capable of believing and in the end, isn’t that what a home should really be?" - When Home is Hard to Find
Why is it so hard to find a sense of homeostasis and comfort? What happened to the good of society? It sure will be hard to sleep tonight thinking that this whole world has gone wild. And when i say wild, i mean insane and crazy... not in a good way.
- Jennifer

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