Sunday, April 8, 2007

"Dressed in poetry"

Today, I went to church. Wow, you don't see that statement very often, do you? I realized why I really don't believe in any religion at all - nothing fits. Why are there no stories of Jesus when he was a teenager? Mary was smart to think of the saying 'i am having a kid and i never had sex.' Even though, wouldn't she have missed half the fun of having a kid in the first place? Where is Jesus's body, because he def didn't die then come back to life - that is just not possible. Also, if we saw someone who looked like Jesus today, we would call him a pothead. No joke, you all can kill me for saying this, but look at him. This skinny, long haired, shaggy faced man who decided to die for everyone on a cross... he had to be on acid or something.

Last night, a bunch of my family members broke into my aunts house to watch movies in her wicked nice sun room. We watched The Holiday and it was a realllllly good movie! I def recomend it to you all! We all got hyper, started drinking Bailey's and calling up everyone who is already in Myrtle, saying they are missing out on the real party lol. I love my family.

Tonight was fun. Ed, Calla, Tessa and Jenny were over and we went on a Wal-Mart trip to get some things for Myrtle. I love being around them because I can be crazy no matter what, i can just be myself. Sometimes, at school, the only time i can be myself is when I'm drunk... and that's just wrong. Besides, i guess i am just 'too much to handle' sometimes.

Why do people say things that they know will hurt someone in return? Whether it is through text messaging or face to face - don't people think before they talk anymore? Sure, we all say things we regret sometimes, but why don't people appologize afterwards just to say they were being to drastic and harsh? I don't get it... this world is just messed up.

Things that are on my mind:
- I just want to go to Myrtle! The trip will be crazy - in a car with Calla, Brynn, Tessa, Carbo and mama for 12 hours. Wow.
- Greg is coming up to visit me! Yea... he's traveling 3 hours to chill. Impressive.
- Matt from camp called me tonight! It was so great to talk to him for the few minutes we did! I miss camp like crazy.
- I just did my family tree/ genogram and realized that my kids will probably be drinkers, smokers, depressed, have asthma, and be boys while my grandchildren will most likey have the sickle cell trait and cancer. Wow... that kinda sucks.
- I'm fat. the end.

Okee Dokee. out, yo.


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