Sunday, April 15, 2007

"call me a rolling stone, because I'm always on the road"

So Myrtle Beach was fun. I will never ever again travel 13 hours with 7 ppl in a van. On the way home it was only 6 of us, but there was a backup in Penn. and we were in the car fo 18 hours... yea. HOWEVER! The weather was warm, I went to Club Kryptonite w/ Calla, Kasey, Julie, Stevie, Kiefer and other people fromm MCC the first night which was great, i laid outside and got burnt for hours, ate a lot, drank coronas and all the best. I love my family. I loved spending time with them and watching them just have fun. I miss them, a lot.

So now I'm back @ MCC and I'm exhasted and stressed already. I'm not sure what's due for Journalism and COM 101 tuesday and I'm freakin a little bout it . I need to calm down and take a deep breath and realize that I will get it done, whether or not it's last minute or days before. I'm going to be closing myself in my room every night for the rest of the semester just to finish this semester off somewhat strongly. I will try to stray away from damn drama as best as i can. I'm sick of it. I hate it so much.

So i finished the first three chapters of my new novel over break. I would bring my laptop out onto the porch and write. It was very relaxing. It's hard to look at a new piece of work and see at as better or just as good as the last piece you wrote. I keep comparing this new book to Addiction and it just doesn't allign. But I'm a strong writer, it sounds good so far. I will just keep trying and writing. It's what I love.

What has been on my mind:
- I NEED to lose weight. I can't stand this.
- Finshing off this semester strong would make my life.
- I've been reading Jodi Picoult's new book Nineteen Minutes - spectacular so far. I wish i could write like her.
- My room is messy... yup.
- I love and miss my mommy
- I'm freezing then im sweating, then freezing... damn burns
- I don't care what ppl say, i love my freckles!

Yuppers, outie.

- Jenniiiii

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