Thursday, April 19, 2007

"writers are born, not made"

I was skimming through an interview a reporter was giving to Jodi Picoult and came upon an answer to a question which totally made my night. When I read this, I couldn't help but smile and even laughed to myself a little. This was the question and answer:

I think I'm a writer, but how do I know for sure?
Oh, you'd know it. Real writers can't sleep because there are stories batting around inside their heads. Real writers create characters they weep over, because they are so real. Real writers can't NOT write. I think you can make a person a better writer technically by having him/her attend workshops and creative writing programs… but I think that at the basal level, writers are born, not made.

I'm a writer. The last few days I had been losing hope, puzzled about what I am going to do for the rest of my life. Today I went to the Career Center and looked through books concerning english and communication majors and still, i remained helpless. However, after listening to a podcast about writing, which is available on Jodi's sight, and reading her interview and this passage, i am certain now what i must do - write. Whether it is becoming a creative writing specialist or doing my dream job - becoming an author, one thing is for certain, i can't stop. When I was writing addiction, i cried at the end. When I was writing Addiction, I would stay up late nights, unable to sleep because I was becoming a part of the novel. Whether or not i ever get any of my pieces published, one this is for sure - I can't stop. Because really, I can't help it.

It goes to show that people can change. Not even that, but you change as well without anyone even noticing. I'm happier these days. I'm happier then I have been for a long time. Writing has saved my life and when I say that, I say it and mean it literally. During the two last and most dreadful years of high school, i was somebody i can't even recognize anymore. Yet, when it came to sitting in front of my computer and creating a whole world of fiction only i knew about made me feel like a different being. Addiction saved my life and thanks to that, i'm going to find a way to have teenagers read it. It's a dream, so why not make it come true?


Anonymous said...

Do you know where I could find that interview? I'm writing a paper and it would help out a lot except my teacher wont let us use blogs

Anonymous said...

you can find that interview on It's on my websites area also. If you search the sight, you will find a lot of good information about herself as a writer, writing in general and other aspects that may be helpful as well. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

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Lindsay Passmore said...

Just came across your blog...I hope you are still writing!
